Our Finances

Our funding largely relies on individual donations. This helps to ensure our operational independence and flexibility to respond at a moment’s notice to the most urgent crises, including those which are under-reported or neglected.

How your donations to MSF are spent

In 2023, 75 per cent of our financial resources were allocated to fulfilling our social mission, which includes our medical humanitarian programs as well as advocacy and awareness raising activities. During the year, we invested in a new donor database system for greater data insights, alongside our ongoing focus on accountability mechanisms and high-quality communications with our supporters.

social mission ratio

The 2023 income of MSF Australia and MSF New Zealand totalled $120.9 million. Of this, $112.4 million was generated from fundraising activities. This is a 12 per cent increase from 2022 fundraising income and represents continued generous support from the Australian and New Zealand public. 

Approximately 125,019 Australians and New Zealanders participated in the Field Partner program in 2023, contributing on a monthly basis, and another 68,317 Australians and New Zealanders provided occasional gifts.


Where your donations made a difference

MSF Australia and MSF New Zealand spending on our medical humanitarian programs in 2023 was distributed across the following regions:

spending by region