Step 3: Interview
Due to current restrictions regarding COVID-19, we are currently conducting all interviews online via Skype. We will update you in due course in the event that this changes. Normally interviews take place in the Médecins Sans Frontières Australia Sydney office throughout the year, and during recruitment visits scheduled throughout the year to various cities in Australia and New Zealand.
We use a competency-based interviewing format where we look for you to provide specific examples of situations that demonstrate the skills and traits that we need for field workers.
The interview process typically takes 2 hours.
Step 4: Pre-departure training
Following on from a successful interview, you will then be invited to participate in our online pre-departure training, known as 'Welcome to MSF’.
The course aims to provide new international staff with:
- an understanding of the values, philosophy, policies and activities of MSF
- an introduction to the tools and resources available to you in the field
- an understanding of the placement and departure process, and
- an introduction to life in the field.
Welcome Days are conducted three times a year, and successful completion of the course is mandatory for any future field worker.
Step 5: Placement
Upon successful completion of the Welcome Days training, you will then join our pool of professionals ready for assignment, and we will begin to actively work to find you a suitable assignment in our field projects. Please note that successful entry into the MSF fieldworker pool does not guarantee an assignment or contract of employment.
Our ability to find you an assignment depends on our current project needs, your skills profile, and your availability dates. As such, we request that all field workers ready for assignment notify us immediately of any change in their availability to depart.
We prioritise the placement of workers to where the need is greatest, and as such we are unable to accept requests to be placed in a specific location or project.
When offered a placement, you will be provided with a job description and detailed information regarding the country and project itself. Our Field HR team will be available to answer any questions that you may have about the placement, location or role prior to you accepting the opportunity.
Step 6: Departure
Once your placement is confirmed, you will have several briefing meetings prior to arriving at the project where you will have the opportunity to discuss the field project and role. This is to ensure you are provided with as much information as possible to support you in your new assignment!
In addition to the briefings, you will receive pre-departure administration support from our Australian and New Zealand Field HR team, including assistance in travel and visa arrangements.
All Australian and New Zealand field workers are employed by Médecins Sans Frontières Australia on a fixed-term contract for the duration of their placement.
Our staff generally depart between 1 - 4 weeks after confirmation of assignment.