Please complete this checklist before proceeding with your application.

1. I am an Australian/New Zealand citizen or have an unrestricted work permit for Australia.

Please note that MSF Australia requires all applicants to hold Australian or New Zealand citizenship, or have an unrestricted work visa for Australia. If you do not, please apply through your nearest MSF office.

2. I have read and I meet the essential criteria and requirements for my profession.

Please review the essential criteria and the requirements for your profession before applying.

3. I am available to depart within the next 6-12 months.

We need you to be available in the next 6-12 months. Please come back and apply when you can depart within 6-12 months. In the meantime Register for Updates.

4. I have read MSF Australia's Safe Abortion Care Policy and agree to support this.
5. I am willing to work in unstable environments, i.e. conflict or war zones.
6. I have management, leadership and/or supervision experience.
7. I have lived, worked or volunteered in low resource or remote setting.