Yes they can! It is a very kind and meaningful way for you to support and raise awareness of our work and we appreciate your selfless action. See our detailed information on how to organise celebration gifts for Médecins Sans Frontières.
Your donation will be taken out on the 2nd Wednesday of every month.
All donations made in New Zealand to Médecins Sans Frontières New Zealand of $5 or more will be tax deductable.
Yes, you will. For a single gift your tax receipt should arrive in about ten working days. For regular monthly gifts tax receipts are sent annually, towards the end of April. Please keep your address details updated so we can ensure you receive your tax receipt.
Please refer to your mailings to find your supporter number. You can also call our office on 0508 633 324or you can send an e-mail to our office address [email protected] and ask us for your supporter number. You will need to provide identifying information so we can find your number for you.
About Medecins Sans Frontieres
No, Médecins Sans Frontières does not have any religious or political affiliations. We carry out our work and assist those in need regardless of race, religion, gender or political affiliation. We remain completely independent so that we have greater freedom to go where we are needed and to speak out about the suffering and injustice we see in the course of our work.
Yes, Médecins Sans Frontières encourages and supports matched gifts from many companies. Please refer to Matching Gifts section of this website for more information on corporate support.
Yes you can! Thank you for your interest in organising a fundraising event for Médecins Sans Frontières. Fundraising events are a fun and interesting way for you to support and raise awareness of our work and we appreciate your efforts on our behalf. See our detailed information on how to organise a fundraiser for Médecins Sans Frontières.
Médecins Sans Frontières understandably has very strict guidelines about the use of our name and logo. We are often asked for the use of our name or logo in publications or in association with other organisations and each request needs to be approved on a case by case basis.
With this in mind please contact Médecins Sans Frontières with the details of your suggestion and how you intend to use the Médecins Sans Frontières name and logo. Call us on 0508 633 324 or email our office at [email protected]
We regret that we are not able to give out or sell Médecins Sans Frontières t-shirts to people who are not directly involved with our organisation. Médecins Sans Frontières t-shirts are the uniform of our staff in the field and clearly identify the wearer in this context as a humanitarian aid worker. Understandably this means we unfortunately cannot give or sell our t-shirts to supporters. Médecins Sans Frontières New Zealand does not currently sell any other merchandise or items.
Yes we are. Please see our privacy policy.