Some 300,000 people have been registered as living with physical disabilities, according to Ukraine’s Ministry of Social Policy. The increased demand for early rehabilitation services has put extra strain on the country’s healthcare system.
In response, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) launched an early rehabilitation project at Cherkasy hospital, in central Ukraine, in March 2023. The project integrates physiotherapy, psychological support and nursing care to address the complex needs of war-wounded patients early recovery process.
“All injuries take time” is a sentiment that resonates deeply for both medical staff and patients at Cherkasy hospital, and for each group it holds a special meaning. For physiotherapists, it points to the significance of each minute spent on exercises and techniques immediately after surgery. For psychologists, it emphasises the value of timely counselling sessions and emotional support. For patients, it alludes to the fact that the healing process, both physical and emotional, is a journey that requires time and resilience.