The general security situation in the centre and north of the country is seriously concerning. The violence is impacting people, including our teams, who sometimes find themselves trapped.
“We remind all parties to the conflict that our staff, ambulances and health structures must be respected and spared,” Abdou.
“Our mission is carried out in compliance with medical ethics, which entail the duty to provide care without harm and to assist any person in danger, with humanity, impartiality and respect for medical confidentiality.
“Our medical activities must be preserved. Children, pregnant women and the injured must be treated,” he says.
MSF has been present in Mali since 1985. In 2022, we carried out 552,800 outpatient consultations, performed 1,830 surgical operations, and treated 900 people for intentional physical violence and war wounds.
MSF currently runs regular projects in the regions of Kidal, Gao (Ansongo), Timbuktu, Niafounké, Mopti (Ténénkou, Douentza and Koro), Ségou (Niono) and Sikasso (Koutiala), as well as in the capital, Bamako. Our teams also provide a wide range of emergency services to meet the major needs of people across the country.