As of October 26th, 2022, the total number of Cholera cases confirmed by the Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) stands at 346 with a total of 14 deaths, and a cumulative of 913 suspected cases. Even though confirmed cases are so far still mainly recorded in the north, and northeast of the country (districts of Bekaa, Akkar, and Tripoli), cases were detected in the district of Mount Lebanon, central Bekaa, and south of Lebanon.
Water, waste and healthcare context
The Lebanese water, waste management and electricity networks are old, and leaking as they are not properly maintained, with inadequate water supply and water treatment infrastructure as a result.
The current economic and energy crisis in Lebanon has further exacerbated access to water supplies and sanitation in the country.
Additionally, the country’s healthcare system is in disarray. There is a severe shortage of medical supplies and diagnostics, which increases the reliance on donor support and may affect rapid and adequate response capacity if cases continue to spread across the country.