What is the current situation in North and South Kivu with regards to this crisis?
Since December 2024, several fronts have been opened in the two provinces to control certain key positions. In Lubero territory, in North Kivu, the conflict resumed in December with massive population displacement. It continued in Masisi territory, where intense fighting took place in January 2025, particularly for control of the town of Masisi Centre, before moving down towards South Kivu, to Minova and Numbi in Kalehe territory.
During the hostilities, the M23/AFC managed to take control of several towns. In recent days the fighting has moved closer to the provincial capital of Goma, with intense clashes in Sake, just 20 kilometres from the city. Artillery explosions can be heard regularly from Goma. Fighting is taking place on all the roads around Goma and has led to a new influx of displaced people into the city, including from some camps on the outskirts of the city where people flee towards Goma, in a situation of panic.